Making sure that your house is completely clean, neat and tidy after a spring or a fall grand cleaning is never truly finished with two tiny checkpoints unchecked.
We’re talking about cleaning up the attic and the basement. The saddest part is, that usually those two areas of any suburban or a country house place are the most dusted and piled up ones…

The dust, dirt and other things regularly build up a strong odor of its own kind, if not cleaned up quite frequently.

Add having a dog or a car, just as well as little kids and it seems virtually impossible to get your home smelling like a cookie, and not an old cookie jar…

Still, there’s a whole variety of smells out there, which are very comforting scents, making us feel at home.

But how do we fight off any bad smelling and beat it with a permanent, long-lasting nice scents?

Clearly, nobody wants to have the stinky home, and if you are used to a musty or stale smell, you might not even realize how unpleasant your home is. If you want your guests, clothing, and home to make a little more sweet impression, here are three easy ways which will all help you in creating your very own natural air freshener.

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Office Cleaning Secrets


Odor Remedy